Business Week: Apple Loves France, Sometimes

How do you convince Apple to partner with France for a prestigious, innovative but new and hence, risky digitalisation project? We were three MBA students, contractors and consultants who just wanted to automate digital media out of our passion for modern, simple and mobile technology. We approached the European headquarter of Apple and pitched our idea.


Our aim was to digitalize executive and key note speaker events, automate post processing and fast distribute media content to workstations and mobile devices. With the buy-in of the European Apple CEO and the HEC MBA dean, we ran the project as a mini-startup within Apple's European headquarter. We did not only achieve a proof of concept but also a signed partnership between Apple and the French ministry of education, which was published in BusinessWeek. We felt honoured being part of such a fantastic journey and kept focusing on innovation since.



(BusinessWeek is now owned by Bloomberg)


Chris Frey

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